Hit the ground running in 2019
Are you in need of an individualized action plan?
Are you struggling with district support?
Are you ready to hit the ground running in 2019 for your School?
What difference could you make with 30 days of individualized support and action planning?
Can you picture yourself having the support you need RIGHT NOW?
30 Day Mid-Year Ramp Up Coaching Special-
For the principal who is ready to put their plans into action in 2019.
Let’s face it….
Principal support can be generic or even missing for many school leaders. A quick 15-minute school visit, or principal’s meeting usually leaves you with more questions instead of clear action steps for improvement. You may have had a great plan in August/September but you have missed the mark in some areas and are ready to make some changes.
Great principals don’t wait till New Years to begin planning for the second half of the school year. If you want to hit the ground running in 2019 after winter break get the help you need to make this happen.
30 Day Mid-Year Ramp Up Coaching Special
This special includes the following:
Initial 30- minute checklist review/strategy session
30-day action plan including
(2) 45-minute live coaching sessions
Ongoing email and phone support
BONUS- a strategy workbook to keep you and your ramp up goals organized
This Special IS for you if:
You have great ideas but lack support in execution
Need an individualized action plan
Feel unsupported with your current leadership team
Are ready to make immediate changes in your school building
This Special IS NOT for you if:
You want slow-to-no results
You are OK with the current status of your school
You hate being supported
Your ideas are magic and implement themselves
Meet Your Coach!
I’m K. Riley- the Principalnerd, I help school leaders reach their educational career goals. I am a principal coach and educational career specialist. I’ve been a teacher, instructional and principal coach. I know first hand what it is is like to need additional support as a principal and not having the resources to get it. That’s one reason why I created this space to provide school leaders the essential skills necessary to be a successful school leader.
I look forward to working with you soon!
“This is so great! This is what is missing in education.”